Table of Contents
Setup the General Settings #
WPdealer WordPress Plugin has a lot of settings to let you customize your listings appearance, let’s start:
- Navigate to
setting page, in WordPress admin; - Click on the first tab
and start setting the main parameters
General Settings #
- Currency
- Currency position: Before price / After price
- Price decimals: Don’t show (eg: 10.000) / Don’t show but add comma (eg: 10.000,-) / Show (eg: 10.000,50)
- Unit of length: Km / Miles and Unit position: Before numbers / After numbers
- Enable Ajax list loading
- Show publish date

PDF Endpoint #
You can change the location of PDF files
If the field is empty it will use the default permalink

Listings Endpoints #
You can change the path of the listing of cars, motorcycles and location maps
If the field is empty it will use the default permalink

Google Maps #
This plugin mandates a Google Maps API key for showcasing Google Maps. Please acquire an API key from Google to enable map functionality within the plugin.
Action when uninstall #
You can delete all plugin options during uninstallation; be careful, this operation is irreversible.